29 Nov


Turkey made by Susie!

Dear Love Bugs. . .
How was your Thanksgiving Day? Mine was filling. We went to my cousins house and Suzie hooked it up! Dude I cant even beleive how much we ate. . . You will see pictures . . . I totally forgot to do the Thankful thing but I will be doing something come December that is similar to that . . .Here are some of the pictures of the food:


Some side dishes . . .

You are not Albanian if You do not have Bulgarian Cheese with every meal. . .
Even though its from Bulgaria we refer to it as ALBANIAN DJATH (ALBANIAN CHEESE)

This cake was BANGING!!!

IMAG0749 IMAG0750
Tulumba & Baklava gotta keep it traditional and for the American version of us CUPCAKES

and as if this wasnt enough food . . .
This is called Pite . . . Every Albanian kid grows up on this . . . we actually die for it!
Looking at this picture right now I want to eat it . . .
It is the first food our mothers in hopes of marrying us to a good Albanian Man teaches us how to make . . . IT IS JUST YUMMY! and very very fattening but come on these are the holidays!

Now for my outfit!
vest (forever21),dress (old), boots (joyce leslie), bag (, glasses(charlotte russe)
This outfit was comfortable so I could be in FAT GIRL MODE but still being very ME!

What I am thankful most for is this crazy messed up sometimes magical life I live! With the crazy messed up sometimes magical people in it! šŸ™‚

Ok my darlings . . . enjoy the rest of your holidays! My computer wasn’t working these past few days after I came back from Michigan plus its the nearing the end of a hellish semester so I have been a little MIA. . . but I AM BACKKKKKKK! O YEA BRING ON THE CELEBRATIONS!!!!

love you guys


I almost forgot
Susie’s niece Princess Isabella (that’s what I call her) wrote the most amazing little speech.
She really is a GENIUS! . . . I almost cried! This is her picture of their family including Ethan & their dog Beamer!

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